Planning to Implementation Resources
Open Space and Recreation Planner’s Workbook: The full handbook on writing an OSRP
Open Space and Recreation Plan Requirements: An outline of the OSRP requirements
Email Melissa Cryan, the state contact for OSRPs
Sources of Funding: An aggregated list of state and federal grants for various types of open space projects
Land and Recreation Grants & Loans: Information on state grant programs such as the Landscape Partnership Grant and the Massachusetts Land and Water Conservation Fund
The Community Preservation Act in Massachusetts
Conservation and Land Use Planning Under Massachusetts’ Chapter 61 Laws: A Primer for Cities, Towns & Conservation Organizations
Overview of Chapter 61 tax programs
Frequently asked questions about conservation restrictions
Writing an OSRP (Southwick, Upton, and Tyngsborough): Advice on how to write a great OSRP from all-volunteer Open Space Committees
20 Years of Protecting Open Space (Holliston): How one Open Space Committee is working to conserve 25% of its town’s open space
Protecting Brown Spring Farm (West Newbury): How to successfully partner with your local land trust and use Agricultural Preservation Restrictions for local conservation
YouTube recording of seminar: