2023 Massachusetts Open Space Conference
The 8th annual Massachusetts Open Space Conference took place every Thursday in February through Zoom. The conference aimed to provide helpful advice and resources, connect peers across the state via the conference networking map, and highlight the efforts of Open Space Committees and volunteers in protecting their community’s open space. Across the four webinars we were joined by thirteen excellent speakers, and you can learn more about them here.
The first week of the conference was Open Space and Recreation Plans, from Writing to Action. We heard peer advice on strategies for improving the response rate on community surveys and writing Open Space and Recreation Plans effectively. We also listened to a case study of a community protecting and transforming a high priority area identified in their town’s Open Space and Recreation Plan.
The second week of the conference was Tips and Tools for Landowner Outreach. We learned about the Neighborhood Outreach grant and heard case studies of landowner outreach projects conducted by municipal committees. Each case study highlighted a unique approach for outreach (events, a video, targeted mailing), and we hope attendees gained practical advice that can be applied to efforts in their community.
The third week of the conference was Land Conservation and Restoration Initiatives for Climate Resilience. We explored the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness program, listened to a MVP funded case study, and learned about the restoration of Piers Park III.
The fourth and final week of the conference was BioMap, the Latest and Greatest. We learned more about BioMap and how this tool can be utilized to help guide open space and conservation planning.
Below are the resources page for each week of the conference, where you can access the recording and links to resources from each webinar.
Resources and Recordings
Week 1: Open Space and Recreation Plans, from Writing to Action
Week 2: Tips and Tools for Landowner Outreach
Week 3: Land Conservation & Restoration Initiatives for Climate Resilience
Week 4: BioMap, the Latest and Greatest
2023 Open Space Conference Webinar Schedule
Open Space and Recreation Plans, from Writing to Action
Thursday February 2nd, 12:00-1:30 PM
Are you interested in peer advice about writing, increasing community input, and implementing Open Space and Recreation Plans (OSRP)? Please join us on Thursday February 2nd for the Open Space and Recreation Plans, from Writing to Action webinar! Mike Penko will share advice on writing an OSRP with an all-volunteer committee. Dan Leahy and Allison Gage will explore strategies for improving the response rate on community surveys. Lastly, Kathy Sferra will describe a project that is protecting and transforming Stow Acres, and its connection to Stow’s OSPR.
Featured Speakers:
Mike Penko: Upton Open Space Committee
Dan Leahy: Chair, Wendell Open Space Committee
Allison Gage: Senior Land Use and Natural Resources Planner, Franklin Regional Council of Governments
Kathy Sferra: Conservation Director, Town of Stow
Tips and Tools for Landowner Outreach
Thursday February 9th, 12:00-1:30 PM
Landowner outreach is important in the efforts to conserve open space. But what strategies can you utilize to effectively conduct outreach in your community? In this webinar, we will explore the significance of landowner outreach, and hear three different approaches (events, a video, and a targeted mailing) that municipal committees have taken to conduct landowner outreach in their communities through the Neighborhood Outreach grant. From this webinar we hope you will gain tips and tools for outreach that will be useful in your community!
Featured Speakers:
Paul Catanzaro: Professor & State Extension Forester, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rebecca Bucciaglia: Conservation Agent, Town of Bolton
Bruce Cote: Dracut Open Space Committee
John Follet: Chair, Chesterfield Conservation Commission
Land Conservation & Restoration Initiatives for Climate Resilience
Thursday February 16th, 12:00-1:30 PM
Land conservation and restoration are critical components in mitigating environmental change. Within this webinar, Nick Black (Managing Director, of the Boston Waterfront Initiative with The Trustees of Reservations) and Mike Huguenin (President of the Mattapoisett Land Trust) will guide us in exploring case studies that highlight how land conservation and restoration are being used to increase community and environmental resilience to climate change. Additionally, we will be joined by Courtney Rocha, Southeast Regional Coordinator for the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness program, who will speak about MVP grants/funding for conservation projects with climate resiliency goals. We hope you leave this webinar feeling inspired, critically thinking about strategic land conservation for resiliency, with a vision for how land conservation and continued public access to green space can go hand and hand, and with information surrounding relevant funding opportunities.
Featured Speakers:
Nick Black: Managing Director, Boston Waterfront Initiative- The Trustees of Reservations
Mike Huguenin: President of the Mattapoisett Land Trust
Courtney Rocha: Southeast Regional Coordinator for the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program
BioMap, the Latest and Greatest
Thursday February 23rd, 12:00-1:00 PM
The newly-enhanced BioMap from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) and The Nature Conservancy in Massachusetts is an online resource that identifies critical land and waterways throughout Massachusetts most in need of conservation. BioMap’s comprehensive approach identifies the most critical habitats for rare species, fish, and wildlife, along with intact and climate-resilient ecosystems and landscapes. It includes regional connectivity data, statewide conservation priorities, and resources unique to each municipality for making informed local decisions. Join this webinar to learn more about the new BioMap, watch a live demonstration, and see how you can use it for your open space and conservation needs.
Featured Speakers:
Alec Kaisand: BioMap Outreach Specialist, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
Sarah Wasserman: BioMap Outreach Specialist, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
This event was collaboratively organized by the North Quabbin Regional Landscape Partnership, Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust, and The Trustees of Reservations. Funding for this event was provided by the MA Working Forest Initiative, in partnership with UMass-Amherst and the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation.